Dateianhang 'man2wiki.text'


##  File:
##      @(#) man2html 1.2 97/08/12 12:57:30 @(#)
##  Author:
##      Earl Hood,
##  Description:
##      man2html is a Perl program to convert formatted nroff output
##      to HTML.
##      Recommend command-line options based on platform:
##      Platform                Options
##      ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##      c2mp                    <None, the defaults should be okay>
##      hp9000s700/800          -leftm 1 -topm 8
##      sun4                    -sun
##      ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Copyright (C) 1995-1997     Earl Hood,
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
##  02111-1307, USA

package Man2Wiki;

use Getopt::Long;

($PROG = $0) =~ s/.*\///;
$VERSION = "3.0.1";

## Input and outputs filehandles
$InFH   = \*STDIN   unless $InFH;
$OutFH  = \*STDOUT  unless $OutFH;

## Backspace character:  Used in overstriking detection
*bs = \"\b";

##      Hash of section titles and their HTML tag wrapper.
##      This list allows customization of what HTML tag is used for
##      a given section head.
##      The section title can be a regular expression.  Therefore, one must
##      be careful about quoting special characters.
%SectionHead = (

    '\S.*OPTIONS.*'             => ' == ',
    'AUTHORS?'                  => ' == ',
    'BUGS'                      => ' == ',
    'COMPATIBILITY'             => ' == ',
    'DEPENDENCIES'              => ' == ',
    'DESCRIPTION'               => ' == ',
    'DIAGNOSTICS'               => ' == ',
    'ENVIRONMENT'               => ' == ',
    'ERRORS'                    => ' == ',
    'EXAMPLES'                  => ' == ',
    'EXTERNAL INFLUENCES'       => ' == ',
    'FILES'                     => ' == ',
    'LIMITATIONS'               => ' == ',
    'NAME'                      => ' == ',
    'NOTES?'                    => ' == ',
    'OPTIONS'                   => ' == ',
    'REFERENCES'                => ' == ',
    'RETURN VALUE'              => ' == ',
    'SECTION.*:'                => ' == ',
    'SEE ALSO'                  => ' == ',
    'STANDARDS CONFORMANCE'     => ' == ',
    'STYLE CONVENTION'          => ' == ',
    'SYNOPSIS'                  => ' == ',
    'SYNTAX'                    => ' == ',
    'WARNINGS'                  => ' == ',
    '\s+Section.*:'             => ' === ',


## Fallback tag if above is not found
$HeadFallback = ' == ';

## Other gobals

$Bare      = 0;         # Skip printing HTML head/foot flag
$BTag      = '\'\'\'';  # Overstrike tag
$CgiUrl    = '';        # CGI URL expression
$Compress  = 0;         # Do blank line compression flag
$K         = 0;         # Do keyword search processing flag
$NoDepage  = 0;         # Do not strip page information
$NoHeads   = 0;         # Do no header detection flag
$SeeAlso   = 0;         # Do only SEE ALSO xrefs flag
$Solaris   = 0;         # Solaris keyword search processing flag
$Sun       = 0;         # Headers not overstriken flag
$Title     = '';        # Title
$UTag      = '\'\'';    # Underline tag
$ftsz      = 7;         # Bottome margin size
$hdsz      = 7;         # Top margin size
$leftm     = '';        # Left margin pad
$leftmsz   = 0;         # Left margin size
$pgsz      = 66;        # Size of page size
$txsz      = 52;        # Text body length size

##      Main Block
    if (get_cli_opts()) {
        if ($K) {
        } else {
    } else {

##      Subroutines

sub do_it {

    ##  Define while loop and then eval it when used.  The reason
    ##  is to avoid the regular expression reevaulation in the
    ##  section head detection code.

    $doitcode =<<'EndOfDoItCode';

    my($line, $tmp, $i, $head, $preindent, $see_also, $do);

    $see_also = !$SeeAlso;
    print $OutFH "<!-- Manpage converted by man2html $VERSION -->\n";
    LOOP: while(!eof($InFH)) {
        $blank = 0;
        for ($i=0; $i < $hdsz; $i++) {
            last LOOP  unless defined($_ = <$InFH>);
        for ($i=0; $i < $txsz; $i++) {
            last LOOP  unless defined($_ = <$InFH>);

            ## Check if compress consecutive blank lines
            if ($Compress and !/\S/) {
                if ($blank) { next; } else { $blank = 1; }
            } else {
                $blank = 0;

            ## Try to check if line space is needed at page boundaries ##
            if (!$NoDepage && ($i==0 || $i==($txsz-1)) && !/^\s*$/) {
                /^(\s*)/;  $tmp = length($1);
                if ($do) {
                    if ($tmp < $preindent) { print $OutFH "\n"; }
                } else {
                    $do = 1;
                $preindent = $tmp;
            } else {
                $do = 0;  $preindent = 0;

            ## Interpret line
            $line = $_;
            entitize(\$_);              # Convert [$<>] to entity references

            ## Check for 'SEE ALSO' link only
            if (!$see_also && $CgiUrl && $SeeAlso) {
                ($tmp = $line) =~ s/.\010//go;
                if ($tmp =~ /^\s*SEE\s+ALSO\s*$/o) { $see_also = 1; }
                else { $see_also = 0; }

            ## Create anchor links for manpage references
             /geox  if $see_also;

            ## Emphasize underlined words
            # s/((_\010[^_])+[\.\(\)_]?(_\010[^_])+\)?)/emphasize($1)/oge;
            # s/((_\010[^_])+([\.\(\)_]?(_\010[^_])+)?)/emphasize($1)/oge;
            # The previous expressions were trying to be clever about
            # detecting underlined text which contain non-alphanumeric
            # characters.  nroff will not underline non-alphanumeric
            # characters in an underlined phrase, and the above was trying
            # to detect that.  It does not work all the time, and it
            # screws up other text, so a simplified expression is used.


            $secth = 0;
            ## Check for strong text and headings
            if ($Sun || /.\010./o) {
                if (!$NoHeads) {
                    $line =~ s/.\010//go;
                    $tmp = $HeadFallback;

    ##  Create switch statement for detecting a heading
    $doitcode .= "HEADSW: {\n";
    foreach $head (keys %SectionHead) {
        $doitcode .= join("", "\$tmp = '$SectionHead{$head}', ",
                              "\$secth = 1, last HEADSW  ",
                              "if \$line =~ /^$leftm$head/o;\n");
    $doitcode .= "}\n";

    ##  Rest of routine
    $doitcode .=<<'EndOfDoItCode';
                    if ($secth || $line =~ /^$leftm\S/o) {
                        chop $line;
                        $_ = $tmp . $line . $tmp;
                        #$_ = "\n</PRE>\n" . $_ . "<PRE>\n";
                        $_ = "\n" . $_ . "\n";
                    } else {
                } else {
            print $OutFH $_;

        for ($i=0; $i < $ftsz; $i++) {
            last LOOP  unless defined($_ = <$InFH>);

    ##  Perform processing.

    printhead()  unless $Bare;
    #print $OutFH "<PRE>\n";
    print $OutFH "\n";
    eval $doitcode;                     # $doitcode defined above
    print $OutFH "\n";
    printtail()  unless $Bare;

sub get_cli_opts {
    return 0  unless
        "bare",         # Leave out HTML, HEAD, BODY tags.
        "belem=s",      # HTML Element for overstriked text (def: "B")
        "botm=i",       # Number of lines for bottom margin (def: 7)
        "cgiurl=s",     # CGI URL for linking to other manpages
        "cgiurlexp=s",  # CGI URL Perl expr for linking to other manpages
        "compress",     # Compress consecutive blank lines
        "headmap=s",    # Filename of user section head map file
        "k",            # Process input from 'man -k' output.
        "leftm=i",      # Character width of left margin (def: 0)
        "nodepage",     # Do not remove pagination lines
        "noheads",      # Do not detect for section heads
        "pgsize=i",     # Number of lines in a page (def: 66)
        "seealso",      # Link to other manpages only in the SEE ALSO section
        "solaris",      # Parse 'man -k' output from a solaris system
        "sun",          # Section heads are not overstriked in input
        "title=s",      # Title of manpage (def: Not defined)
        "topm=i",       # Number of lines for top margin (def: 7)
        "uelem=s",      # HTML Element for underlined text (def: "I")

        "help"          # Short usage message
    return 0  if defined($opt_help);

    $pgsz = $opt_pgsize || $pgsz;
    if (defined($opt_nodepage)) {
        $hdsz   = 0;
        $ftsz   = 0;
    } else {
        $hdsz   = $opt_topm  if defined($opt_topm);
        $ftsz   = $opt_botm  if defined($opt_botm);
    $txsz       = $pgsz - ($hdsz + $ftsz);
    $leftmsz    = $opt_leftm  if defined($opt_leftm);
    $leftm      = ' ' x $leftmsz;

    $Bare       = defined($opt_bare);
    $Compress   = defined($opt_compress);
    $K          = defined($opt_k);
    $NoDepage   = defined($opt_nodepage);
    $NoHeads    = defined($opt_noheads);
    $SeeAlso    = defined($opt_seealso);
    $Solaris    = defined($opt_solaris);
    $Sun        = defined($opt_sun);

    $Title      = $opt_title || $Title;
    $CgiUrl     = $opt_cgiurlexp ||
                        ($opt_cgiurl ? qq{return "$opt_cgiurl"} : '');

    $BTag       = $opt_belem || $BTag;
    $UTag       = $opt_uelem || $UTag;
    $BTag       =~ s/[<>]//g;
    $UTag       =~ s/[<>]//g;

    if (defined($opt_headmap)) {
        require $opt_headmap or warn "Unable to read $opt_headmap\n";

sub printhead {
    #print $OutFH "<HTML>\n";
    #print $OutFH "<HEAD>\n",
#                "<TITLE>$Title</TITLE>\n",
#                "</HEAD>\n"  if $Title;
#    print $OutFH "<BODY>\n";
#    print $OutFH "<H1>$Title</H1>\n",
#                "<HR>\n"  if $Title;
    print $OutFH "= $Title =\n",
                 "----\n"  if $Title;

sub printtail {
    print $OutFH <<EndOfRef;
Man(1) output converted with [ man2html].
Changed by FabianFranz, for use in Wikis

sub emphasize {
    my($txt) = shift;
    $txt =~ s/.\010//go;
    $txt = "$UTag$txt$UTag";

sub strongize {
    my($txt) = shift;
    $txt =~ s/.\010//go;
    $txt = "$BTag$txt$BTag";

sub entitize {
    my($txt) = shift;

    ## Check for special characters in overstrike text ##
    #$$txt =~ s/_\010\&/strike('_', '&')/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/_\010</strike('_', '<')/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/_\010>/strike('_', '>')/geo;

    #$$txt =~ s/(\&\010)+\&/strike('&', '&')/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/(<\010)+</strike('<', '<')/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/(>\010)+>/strike('>', '>')/geo;

    ## Check for special characters in regular text.  Must be careful
    ## to check before/after character in expression because it might be
    ## a special character.
    #$$txt =~ s/([^\010]\&[^\010])/htmlize2($1)/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/([^\010]<[^\010])/htmlize2($1)/geo;
    #$$txt =~ s/([^\010]>[^\010])/htmlize2($1)/geo;

##      escape special characters in a string, in-place
sub htmlize {
    my($str) = shift;
    #$$str =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
    #$$str =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
    #$$str =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;

##      htmlize2() is used by entitize.
sub htmlize2 {
    my($str) = shift;
    #$str =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
    #$str =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
    #$str =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;

##      strike converts HTML special characters in overstriked text
##      into entity references.  The entities are overstriked so
##      strongize() and emphasize() will recognize the entity to be
##      wrapped in tags.
sub strike {
    my($w, $char) = @_;
#    if ($w eq '_') {
#       if ($char eq '&') {
#           $ret = "_$bs\&_${bs}a_${bs}m_${bs}p_${bs};";
#       } elsif ($char eq '<') {
            $ret = "_$bs\&_${bs}l_${bs}t_${bs};";
#       } elsif ($char eq '>') {
#           $ret = "_$bs\&_${bs}g_${bs}t_${bs};";
#       } else {
#           warn qq|Unrecognized character, "$char", passed to strike()\n|;
#       }
#    } else {
#       if ($char eq '&') {
#           $ret = "\&$bs\&a${bs}am${bs}mp${bs}p;${bs};";
#       } elsif ($char eq '<') {
#           $ret = "\&$bs\&l${bs}lt${bs}t;${bs};";
#       } elsif ($char eq '>') {
#           $ret = "\&$bs\&g${bs}gt${bs}t;${bs};";
#       } else {
#           warn qq|Unrecognized character, "$char", passed to strike()\n|;
#       }
#    }
#    $ret;

##      make_xref() converts a manpage crossreference into a hyperlink.
sub make_xref {
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/.\010//go;                        # Remove overstriking

 #   if ($CgiUrl) {
        my($title,$section,$subsection) =
            ($str =~ /([\+_\.\w-]+)\((\d)(\w?)\)/);

        $title =~ s/\+/%2B/g;
        $str =~ s/\(/\//g;
        $str =~ s/\)//g;
        my($href) = (eval $CgiUrl);
 #   } else {
#       qq|<B>$str</B>|;
#    }

##      man_k() process a keyword search.  The problem we have is there
##      is no standard for keyword search results from man.  Solaris
##      systems have a different enough format to warrent dealing
##      with it as a special case.  For other cases, we try our best.
##      Unfortunately, there are some lines of results that may be
##      skipped.
sub man_k {
       %Sec1, %Sec1sub, %Sec2, %Sec2sub, %Sec3, %Sec3sub,
       %Sec4, %Sec4sub, %Sec5, %Sec5sub, %Sec6, %Sec6sub,
       %Sec7, %Sec7sub, %Sec8, %Sec8sub, %Sec9, %Sec9sub,
       %SecN, %SecNsub, %SecNsec);

    printhead()  unless $Bare;
    print $OutFH "<!-- Man keyword results converted by ",
                      "man2html $VERSION -->\n";

    while ($line = <$InFH>) {
        next if $line !~ /\(\d\w?\)\s+-\s/; # check if line can be handled
        ($refs,$section,$subsection,$desc) =
            $line =~ /^\s*(.*)\((\d)(\w?)\)\s*-\s*(.*)$/;

        if ($Solaris) {
            $refs =~ s/^\s*([\+_\.\w-]+)\s+([\+_\.\w-]+)\s*$/$1/;
                                        #  <topic> <manpage>
        } else {
            $refs =~ s/\s(and|or)\s/,/gi; # Convert and/or to commas
            $refs =~ s/^[^:\s]:\s*//;   # Remove prefixed whatis path
        $refs =~ s/\s//g;               # Remove all whitespace
        $refs =~ s/,/, /g;              # Put space after comma
        htmlize(\$desc);                # Check for special chars in desc
        $desc =~ s/^(.)/\U$1/;          # Uppercase first letter in desc

        if ($section eq '1') {
            $Sec1{$refs} = $desc; $Sec1sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '2') {
            $Sec2{$refs} = $desc; $Sec2sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '3') {
            $Sec3{$refs} = $desc; $Sec3sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '4') {
            $Sec4{$refs} = $desc; $Sec4sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '5') {
            $Sec5{$refs} = $desc; $Sec5sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '6') {
            $Sec6{$refs} = $desc; $Sec6sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '7') {
            $Sec7{$refs} = $desc; $Sec7sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '8') {
            $Sec8{$refs} = $desc; $Sec8sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } elsif ($section eq '9') {
            $Sec9{$refs} = $desc; $Sec9sub{$refs} = $subsection;
        } else {                        # Catch all
            $SecN{$refs} = $desc; $SecNsec{$refs} = $section;
            $SecNsub{$refs} = $subsection;
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec1, 1, \%Sec1sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec2, 2, \%Sec2sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec3, 3, \%Sec3sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec4, 4, \%Sec4sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec5, 5, \%Sec5sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec6, 6, \%Sec6sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec7, 7, \%Sec7sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec8, 8, \%Sec8sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%Sec9, 9, \%Sec9sub);
    print_mank_sec(\%SecN, 'N', \%SecNsub, \%SecNsec);

    printtail()  unless $Bare;
##      print_mank_sec() prints out manpage cross-refs of a specific section.
sub print_mank_sec {
    my($sec, $sect, $secsub, $secsec) = @_;
    my(@array, @refs, $href, $item, $title, $subsection, $i, $section,
    $section = $sect;

    @array = sort keys %$sec;
    if ($#array >= 0) {
        print $OutFH "== Section $section ==\n";
                     #"<DL COMPACT>\n";
        foreach $item (@array) {
            @refs = split(/,/, $item);
            $section = $secsec->{$item}  if $sect eq 'N';
            $subsection = $secsub->{$item};
            #if ($CgiUrl) {
                ($title = $refs[0]) =~ s/\(\)//g;  # watch out for extra ()'s
                $xref = eval $CgiUrl;
            #print $OutFH "<DT>\n";
            print $OutFH " ";
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@refs) {
                #if ($CgiUrl) {
                    print $OutFH qq|[\"$xref$_\"]|;
                #} else {
                #    print $OutFH $_;
                print $OutFH ", "  if $i < $#refs;
            print $OutFH " ($section$subsection)\n",
                         ":: ",
                         $sec->{$item}, "\n";
        #print $OutFH "</DL>\n";

sub usage {
    print $OutFH <<EndOfUsage;
Usage: $PROG [ options ] < infile > outfile
  -bare            : Do not put in HTML, HEAD, BODY tags
  -belem <elem>    : HTML Element for overstriked text (def: "B")
  -botm <#>        : Number of lines for bottom margin (def: 7)
  -cgiurl <url>    : URL for linking to other manpages
  -cgiurlexp <url> : Perl expression URL for linking to other manpages
  -compress        : Compress consective blank lines
  -headmap <file>  : Filename of user section head map file
  -help            : This message
  -k               : Process a keyword search result
  -leftm <#>       : Character width of left margin (def: 0)
  -nodepage        : Do not remove pagination lines
  -noheads         : Turn off section head detection
  -pgsize <#>      : Number of lines in a page (def: 66)
  -seealso         : Link to other manpages only in the SEE ALSO section
  -solaris         : Process keyword search result in Solaris format
  -sun             : Section heads are not overstriked in input
  -title <string>  : Title of manpage (def: Not defined)
  -topm <#>        : Number of lines for top margin (def: 7)
  -uelem <elem>    : HTML Element for underlined text (def: "I")

  $PROG takes formatted manpages from STDIN and converts it to HTML sent
  to STDOUT.  The -topm and -botm arguments are the number of lines to the
  main body text and NOT to the running headers/footers.

  Copyright (C) 1995-1997  Earl Hood, ehood\
  $PROG comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and $PROG may be copied only
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which may be found in
  the $PROG distribution.

    exit 0;

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